Culinary Secrets from Polar Bear Village
Where the winter is cold and there’s snow all around.
There’s one place in the world where all the polar bears can be found.
The Polar Bear Village offers shelter from the snow.
It’s also the place where the hot fires glow.

Olaf the bear runs a diner in the village.
It’s so popular that getting a table is a privilege.
His top-selling items include roasted corn and potatoes.
A secret product that is easy to prep; even polar bears could make those!
The roasted aroma attracts polar bears from miles around.
The others try to compete, but his secret cannot be found.

Olaf started to notice his competitor’s struggles.
He thought to himself, “Maybe I should help them with their troubles.”
He put on his chef’s hat and headed out in the cold,
with a box stamped “top secret” and a heart full of gold.
He visited each of the restaurants and showed them the way.
It was Simplot RoastWorks® that would save the day.

The polar bears were impressed at the high quality.
And it’s so easy to prep. How could this be?
Now, all the diners in Polar Bear Village are packed every night.
They all are successful because Olaf did something right.
Happy Holidays!