5 Tips for Off-Premise Dining Success
Just how popular is off-premise dining? 70% of consumers say they order takeout or carry-out at least once a month, compared to 61% who dine in at the restaurant.1 And that's just takeout. On top of that, 66% of consumers say they utilize a drive-thru at least once a month, while 38% say the same about third-party or direct delivery. In total, it's clear that off-premise occasions are here to stay heading into 2025.
26% of consumers said their last restaurant meal was ordered and eaten inside the restaurant this year, a 9% decrease from three years ago.1 Given how prevalent off-premise dining is, many operators still don't focus on making sure these occasions resonate with consumers and have the same high-quality food that a customer would get when dining in.
Whether you are looking to get your slice of the off-premise pie or you need to take your off-premise game to the next level, here are five data-backed ways to ensure that your off-premise offerings meet every consumer's needs:
1. Make customers' lives easier
What makes consumers more likely to order their food and/or beverage as delivery? For a third of customers, the top delivery motivator is that they are too tired or don't have the motivation to cook for themselves.1 Those occasions are pretty common: 77% of consumers say they have trouble deciding what to make for dinner at least once a week, while 1 in 10 have trouble every single day.2
Help these customers out. Use language like, "Too tired to cook? Let us do the work!" in marketing to showcase that you've got the customer's back tonight. Or offer up "buy-one-get-one" deals with a second meal (either in conjunction with a dine-in meal or as two fully off-premise options) that consumers can enjoy later in the week, easing their stress for one more meal occasion.
2. Make the most of the home occasion
The vast majority, 72% of off-premise occasions are eaten at home, not in the car or at the office.1 That opens up many opportunities to get creative and stand out from the off-premise pack. Consider these ideas:
• Create a game or a conversation starter that a family can engage with as they eat together at home.
• Offer up specials and LTOs for at-home celebrations and occasions like football games or holidays.
• A small note of gratitude written on the packaging or a little "thank you" treat can help you stand out (and earn a positive online review). A little bit of hospitality goes a long way, particularly in off-premise occasions where a consumer doesn't have a server taking care of them.
3. Make it speedy
When it comes to off-premise dining, time is of the essence. That's particularly true for delivery. Those "30-minute and under" guarantees aren't just marketing campaigns—nearly three-quarters of consumers (73%) say they'll choose a different restaurant if a delivery time takes over 30 minutes, while 1 in 5 won't wait 20 minutes.1 That speed is also a necessity in the drive-thru, with consumers saying that a drive-thru with no or very few cars in it and that appears to be moving fast are their top two motivators for ordering more to-go options from quick-service restaurants.1
Operational speed is key and it needs to be constantly measured. Focus on high-impact ingredients that are easy and quick to prepare and keep the line moving. Check out our recent blog, 10 Time-Saving Simplot Products for tips on saving time back-of-house.
4. Focus on lunch and dinner—but other dayparts can be opportunities
When asked about their last away-from-home meal ordered from a restaurant, over half of consumers (51%) said it was for dinner, while over a third (35%) said it was for a lunch occasion. Clearly, the bulk of off-premise meals are in those two dayparts, so most successful off-premise programs will need to focus on the dishes and flavors associated with them. It also means focusing operational speed on those dayparts (as we saw, consumers don't want to see those long drive-thru lines—be prepared and find every way you can to alleviate them during lunch and dinner).
That can open up opportunities to entice consumers to other dayparts and balance out the demand throughout the day. One in ten consumers says their most recent off-premise occasion was for breakfast or brunch, an area of potential growth as many workers head back to offices.1 Innovative offerings and deals during these dayparts can get attention. Simplot's Harvest Fresh® Flavored Avocado Spreads are innovative spreads ideal for driving LTO traffic and profitability.
5. Quality is key
Although there are varying reasons why consumers are looking for a quick off-premise foodservice option, they remain focused on quality. Three out of four consumers say food quality begins to suffer within 15 minutes of ordering, while nearly 30% say it's within 5 minutes.1 With so many consumers taking their meals to-go, it's clear that many are being eaten well after consumers believe the quality has started to degrade. Choosing ingredients that can stand up to these hold times is essential.
That's why Simplot developed Conquest® Delivery+® Fries. With a 40+ minute hold time, the longest hold time in the industry, you aren't taking any chances—they'll be crisp and delicious after drop-off from a third-party delivery service or a long drive home. Customers can even pop them into the microwave for 15-20 seconds for a fresh-from-the-fryer temperature and crispness. There are now ten popular cuts in the Conquest® Delivery+® line, including two new 5/16" straight-cut options.
Off-premise dining is rapidly growing and shows no signs of slowing down as we head into 2025. With a significant number of consumers opting for takeout, drive-thru, and delivery, it's crucial for operators to enhance their off-premise offerings to meet consumer expectations. Focusing on convenience, speed, quality, and creativity can help restaurants stand out in a crowded market. By staying responsive to consumer needs and ensuring the food experience is just as enjoyable at home as it is in the restaurant, operators can thrive in this evolving dining landscape.
1 Datassential HotShot Report: Off-Premise Consumer Preferences, 2024
2 Menu Matters 2024 Consumer Need States Report, January 2024